Rixos Downtown Antalya - The Land Of Legends Access
average rate :4.3/53732 recenzije

Naše usluge
- Klimatizirano
- Bazen
- Doručak
- Vlastita kupaonica
- Objekti za djecu
- Kongresni centar
- Bar
- Parkiralište
- Pristup internetu
- Restoran
- Soba za sastanke
- Posluga u sobu
- Toplice
- Golf
Rixos Downtown Antalya svojim gostima pruža fantastičnu lokaciju; urbano odmaralište u središtu Antalije predstavlja savršen spoj grada i prirode. S pogledom na Sredozemno more i planinski lanac Taurus, slikovito okruženje hotela Rixos Downtown Antalya u potpunosti olakšava izbor svima onima koji traže okruženje ispunjeno bogatom i raznolikom kulturom u kombinaciji s udobnošću smještaja. Od luke ispunjene jahtama do Hadrijanovih vrata čija veličanstvenost podvlači ulogu Turske u stvaranju civilizacije, sve je prožeto neodoljivim šarmom Antalije. Vedro plavo nebo, planine uronjene u bujno zelenilo, pjenušavo more stvaraju živopisnu pozadinu za aktivnosti unutar hotelskog kompleksa ili razgledanje izvan njega. Rixos Downtown Antalya može se pohvaliti izvrsnim turističkim objektima u urbanom okruženju. Entuzijasti koji svugdje i u svakom trenutku uživaju u sportu osjećat će zadovoljstvo u hotelu Rixos Downtown Antalya. Pred njima će biti širok spektar mogućnosti između aktivnosti u zatvorenom i na otvorenom, bazena, teniskih terena, fitness centara opremljenih najsuvremenijom opremom.

Meltem Mh. Sakıp Sabancı Blv. No.3, 07030 Muratpaşa
ALL Accor live limitless
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Sobe i apartmani
Sobe 15 kategorija

Standard Room

Deluxe Room, Sea View

Two Connecting Rooms, Sea View

Deluxe City View Room, Two Single Beds

Deluxe Sea View Room, Two Single Beds

Comfort Sea View Room,Two Single Beds,Two Sofas

Comfort Sea View Room, Two Single Beds, Two Sofas

Connection Sea View Room, King Bed & Two Single Beds

Deluxe City View Room, King Bed

Deluxe Sea View Room, King Bed

Deluxe Panoramic Sea View Room, King Bed

Comfort Sea View Room, Double Bed ,Two Sofas

Comfort City View Room,Two Single Beds,Two Sofas

Comfort City View Room,Double Bed,Two Sofas
Deluxe Room - Accessible
Apartmani 10 kategorija

Junior Suite

Deluxe Terrace

Family Suite with Terrace

Executive Suite

King Suite

Junior Suite, Sea View, King Bed

Deluxe Terrace Suite, Sea View, King Bed, Two Sofas

Family Terrace Suite, City View, King Bed & Two Single Beds

Family Terrace Suite, Sea View, King Bed & Two Single Beds

King Suite
Naši prijedlozi
Semester Break Holiday
Rixos Downtown Antalya
All About a Fun Semester Break!
Are you ready to have fun and relax at Rixos until the school day?
A variety of delicious flavors, stunning views, activitiesand comfort zones are waiting for you.
Valentine's Day
Rixos Downtown Antalya
All About Love…
Crown your love with the comfort of Rixos. We invite you to surprise your loved one in style.
Don't forget to make a reservation to experience everything romantic this Valentine's Day.
Happy International Women’s Day Offer
Rixos Downtown Antalya
All About What Women Deserve
We celebrate the day of all special, valuable, and strong women with an experience worthy of them.
On this special day, we would be delighted to host you with the unique comfort and privileges of Rixos.

Rixos Downtown Antalya
Let's Celebrate
The Coming of Spring Together
Warmer weather and more colorful days meet the comfort of Rixos.
Don’t forget to make a reservation to make the most of the beautiful spring days.
Tvoje Vrijeme
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Oslonite se na stručnost Anjana Spa kako biste se osjećali osvježeno, revitalizirano i blistavo.
Prepustite Se I Raymazite Se Medwordlom
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Analiza kompozicije/sustava tijela (BMI)...
Deluxe Suite
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Discover Antalya at the most beautiful point of the city and enjoy the unique accommodation experience with your loved ones with the 'Deluxe Suite package' privileges.
King Suite
Rixos Downtown Antalya
An Unforgettable Holiday Experience at Rixos Downtown Antalya with Your Family...
Presidential Suit
Rixos Downtown Antalya
The opportunity to stay in the Presidential Suite with privileges
Privileged To Stay At Rixos All Over The World Earn Five Times More Miles!
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Stay at Rixos Hotels and earn more Miles;
Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent phandysical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease.
Intensive Detox
Rixos Downtown Antalya
An intensive programme for anyone who wants results in a short period of time; it is ideal for anyone who is overweight, suffers from fatigue or depression, health problems and anxiety.
Antistress Programme
Rixos Downtown Antalya
For this matter, we use a programme whose approach conceders unique worldwide, and it involves combining the western diagnosis and therapeutic techniques, with macrobiotics, acupuncture and phytotherapy from oriental medicine.
Women And Man Health Programme
Rixos Downtown Antalya
This is a program in which the most advanced Western technologies are combined with a special integrated approach, developed specifically for women and man includes a comprehensive analysis of the current health state, helps to strengthen the immunity system, improve the overall physical and psychological state of the body.
Rixy Kids Club-Downtown

Rixy Kids Club-Downtown
Holidays are especially for creating unforgettable memories for the little guests. Rixy Kids Club creates a very special world where children can feel themselves in a wonderland, have fun all day long and witness fascinating evenings. At Rixy Kids Club, children aged 4-12 can spend their holidays learning, exploring and adventurous activities. Here, new friendships will be established in a safe environment only for children, created with care by our experienced and relevant team.
Abundant Flavours
Rixos Downtown Antalya ima fantastične restorane na čijim menijima se, pored međunarodnih specijaliteta, nudi izvrsna kuhinja s turskim rahat lokumima i omiljenim suvremenim europskim jelima. U barovima hotela poslužuje se sve, od jutarnje kave do večernjih koktela.

Rixos Downtown Antalya ima fantastične restorane na čijim menijima se, pored međunarodnih specijaliteta, nudi izvrsna kuhinja s turskim rahat lokumima i omiljenim suvremenim europskim jelima. U barovima hotela poslužuje se sve, od jutarnje kave do večernjih koktela.
Restorani (3)
U jednom od tri restorana smještena u hotelu Rixos Downtown Antalya, gosti mogu uvijek odabrati ono što žele: modernu i elegantnu ili opuštenu, ležernu atmosferu. Na raspolaganju Vam je sve, od bogatog švedskog stola na kojem se poslužuje turska i međunarodna kuhinja do Lobby Lounge gdje se poslužuju iznimno ukusne grickalice i slatkiši.



Barovi i pubovi (4)
U hotelu Rixos Downtown Antalya možete se u bilo koje doba dana opustiti uz piće. Jutarnja turska kava poslužuje se s ukusnim pecivima u Lobby Lounge. Ili biste radije sok koji će Vam utažiti žeđ u hladu kod bazena, daleko od podnevne vrućine. Možda bi radije koktel ili čašu vina dok gledate kako sunce tone ispod horizonta i sve preplavljuje svojom blagom svjetlošću?




Aktivnosti i zabava

Exclusive Sport Club
Entuzijasti koji svugdje i u svakom trenutku uživaju u sportu osjećat će se kao kod kuće u hotelu Rixos Downtown Antalya. U ponudi je širok spektar mogućnosti između aktivnosti u zatvorenom i na otvorenom, bazena, teniskih terena, fitness centara opremljenih najsuvremenijom opremom. Svatko će pronaći nešto za sebe: možete na trenutak uroniti u bazen ili dogovoriti (prijateljsku!) partiju tenisa. Rixy Disco: Rixy Disco s ponosom predstavlja svoj zabavni program s raznovrsnom glazbom, plesom i puno smijeha. Definitivno Vam neće biti dosadno!

Anjana Spa
Čistoća je pola zdravlja. Posjetite mjesto na kojem su tijelo, duša i um u savršenom skladu... Anjana Spa s ponosom predstavlja jedinstvene i neponovljive turske hamame, nadahnute kupkama u palačama Osmanskog carstva. S obzirom na položaj Turske, na mjestu na kojem se spajaju Istok i Zapad, susreću se dvije filozofije wellnessa, koje stvaraju urbanu oazu blaženstva: istočna i zapadna. Turski rituali kupanja, ayurvedske masaže i tradicionalne terapije pomažu gostima da opuste um i dušu te da osvježe tijelo. Uz tretmane i terapije koje nude, toplice imaju na raspolaganju i sportske aktivnosti s profesionalnim instruktorima, uključujući pilates i aerobik u vodi. Stručnjaci u vitaminskom i detox baru pobrinut će se za odabir sveobuhvatnog programa za one koji ne žele samo trenutak opuštanja, već i otkriće potpuno novog pristupa zdravom načinu života.

Rixy Kids Club
Rixy Kids Club, one of the greatest assets of the Rixos brand, has also been renovated by Rixos Downtown Antalya in 2020. The effects of innovations in terms of architecture and concept are felt at every point of Rixy Kids Club, and even all of the design has been changed at there to inspire our little guests about being creative and make them feel like it’s the safe shelter that they can reveal their willingness to have fun by the observation of our specified teammates.
Specijalni događaji

Kongresni centar Rixos Downtown Antalya opremljen je najsuvremenijom tehnologijom. Rixos Downtown Antalya može biti domaćin bilo koje vrste događaja: od veličanstvenog vjenčanja s puno uzvanika do individualne korporativne prezentacije. Imamo 1 lokacija koje mogu primiti od 15 do 500 ljudi. Stručnjaci za banketne usluge spremni su pomoći u rješavanju bilo kakvih pitanja: Od planiranja obiteljske proslave do sveobuhvatne poslovne podrške potrebne za vrijeme sastanka upravnog odbora. Za nas ne postoje nevažni ili beznačajni zadaci.
Rixos Downtown Antalya
Recenzije gostiju
100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju
3732 recenzije
Arrived late, got a room which wasn’t up to standard, but smells as it wasn’t used for a while, but got offered a better one with no problem, towels and bathrobes were missing but managed to get some . Could have had all this issues avoided if rooms were checked before any guest arrives. The rest 4 days were very good . Service , restaurant, entertaining, spa all good
food at lunch and dinner amazing diffrent themes everyday and really good quality of food, breakfest typical nothing special each day same food, could have been better. Room nothing special, but we had issue with A/C, beacuse it was really hot for us in the room and i asked staff several times why the ac is not working, they told me they will send a technician but they did not. after 3 days they told me there is heating turned on in the hotel and they can't do anything about it... One night we reserved meat a la carte, we were supossed to get a ticket for it to our room, but we didn't after we cameback from the a la carte somwehere near 21:40 someone slipped us under the door ticket for a la carte for this day for 20:00 (we had reserved it and been at 19:30) we didn't even get a sorry from anyone about the situation with ticket or the a/c. Also the main restaurant is to small we were in winter but there is no way in the summer people are fitting there. even in the winter they were blocking the passage and telling people to wait because there were to many people in there. The pool bar qr code system not working to good, i ordered 3 times in there and every time i had to wait minimum 20-30min for the waiter to bring me my drink. Even when we were leaving we didn't get a goodbye, they took our baggage and told us to wait with it outside for 40 minutes
My wife lost her glasses after cleaning the room. But everything else was of a high standard.
Amazing service, there's nothing like the team at Rixos Downtown. Maria, who was at the reception, provided us with the best service in the world. This girl deserves to be in a higher position — she has great chemistry with people and knows how to interact with them. She should definitely be promoted🔥🙏
This is my second visit , first time it was honeymoon it was outofgergous experience 😍😍😍😍and second visit to celebrate anniversary it was super wonderful 😍😍😍😍