
Uz jedinstveni koncept tematskog parka-hotela „The Land of Legends“ (Zemlja legendi), Rixos je uspio sjediniti sve što je potrebno za doista radostan odmor. Ova destinacija namijenjena razonodi, destinacija za legendarnu zabavu, nevjerojatne avanture i vesele kupovine zasigurno će zadiviti novu generaciju. Prvi i jedini hotel u Turskoj projektiran posebno za djecu, Kingdom Hotel smješten je u slikovitom parku. Ideje za gostinjske sobe i apartmane nastale su pod utjecajem bajki, čiji čarobni trenutci zauvijek ostaju u sjećanju. U hotelu Kingdom svaka se odrasla osoba može ponovno osjećati kao dijete i svako dijete može u potpunosti uživati ​​u čarima djetinjstva.

Prijava14 h
Odjava12 h

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 6 kategorija

Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Luksuzne sobe 38 m², pogled na vodeni park, dvostruka TV s mogućnošću istovremenog gledanja 2 kanala, play station, besplatan Wi-Fi i pristup vodenom parku, 41 tobogan, Vrtuljak, Luda rijeka i Lijena rijeka, bazen s valovima. Spojene sobe na zahtjev.
Deluxe Room with Two Kids

Deluxe Room with Two Kids

Luksuzne sobe 38 m², pogled na vodeni park, dvostruka TV s mogućnošću istovremenog gledanja 2 kanala, play station i besplatan Wi-Fi. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku s 41 toboganom. Smještaj je besplatan za djecu starosti od 2 do 11,99 godina.
Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Dvije luksuzne spojene sobe od 78 m² s bračnim krevetom ili dva odvojena kreveta, projektirane su za optimalnu udobnost, opremljene luksuznim namještajem za djecu s modernim dodacima. Projektor i zidni ekran za uživanje u prednostima Playstation 4.
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Luxury Rooms 38 m², dual TV with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once, 1 bathroom, play station, free WIFI. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Connected rooms on demand.
Deluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two Kids

Deluxe Room with Two Kids

Luxury Rooms 38 m², dual TV with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once, 1 bathroom, play station, free WIFI. Free access to Aqua Park with 41+ slides. Accomodation is free for 2 children up to 12.
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Two luxury connecting rooms 78 m² with King Size Bed and Twin Beds, designed to provide an optimal comfort, equipped with luxury kids' friendly furnishings and extensive modern amenities. Projector and wall screen to enjoy the Playstation 4.

Apartmani 10 kategorija

Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Luksuzni apartman od 79 m² s dvostrukom TV stanicom nudi mogućnost gledanja 2 kanala odjednom. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku s 41 toboganom, toboganima „Vrtuljak”, „Luda rijeka” i „Lijena rijeka” te bazenu s umjetnim valovima. Besplatan Wi-Fi.
Family Suite

Family Suite

Luksuzni apartman od 83 m² s dvostrukom TV stanicom nudi mogućnost gledanja 2 kanala odjednom. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku s 41 toboganom, toboganima „Vrtuljak”, „Luda rijeka” i „Lijena rijeka” te bazenu s umjetnim valovima. Besplatan Wi-Fi.
Grand Suite

Grand Suite

Luksuzni apartman od 108 m² sa zasebnom dnevnom sobom i balkonom. Dvostruka TV nudi mogućnost gledanja 2 kanala odjednom. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku, 41 tobogan, Vrtuljak, Luda rijeka i Lijena rijeka te bazen s umjetnim valovima. Besplatan Wi-Fi.
Terrace Suite

Terrace Suite

Luksuzni apartman od 130 m² sa zasebnom dnevnom sobom i balkonom. Dvostruka TV stanica nudi mogućnost gledanja 2 kanala odjednom. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku, 41 tobogan, Vrtuljak, Luda rijeka i Lijena rijeka te bazen s valovima. Besplatan Wi-Fi.
Kingdom Suite

Kingdom Suite

Luksuzni apartman od 283 m², 2 spavaće sobe, zasebna dnevna soba i balkon. Kupaonica s hidromasažnom kadom. Dvostruka TV stanica. Besplatan pristup vodenom parku, 41 tobogan, Vrtuljak, Luda rijeka i Lijena rijeka te bazen s valovima. Besplatan Wi-Fi.
Junior Suite
Junior Suite
Junior Suite
Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Luxury Suite 79 m² with Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite

Family Suite

Luxury Suite 83 m² with Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite

Grand Suite

Luxury Suite 108 m² with separate living area and balcony. Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite

Terrace Suite

Luxury Suite 130 m² with separate living area and balcony. Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite

Kingdom Suite

Luxury Suite 283 m² with 2 bedrooms, separate living area and balcony. Bathroom with whirlpool bath. Dual TV play station. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, "Water Coaster", "Crazy River", "Lazy River" and "Wave Pool". Free WIFI.

Naši prijedlozi


Star Check-in

The Land Of Legends

Star Check-in Package To Start Your Legendary Holiday With An Unforgettable Meet & Greet Show

Više pojedinosti +

Fond Memories

The Land of Legends

Fond Memories Package To Reminisce Your Sweet Moments At The Land Of Legends

Više pojedinosti +

Mythical Journey

The Land of Lgends

Mythical Journey Package For Fun-filled Moments

Više pojedinosti +

Exclusive Long Stay at The Land of Legends

The Land of Legends

A holiday full of special privileges for the winter months!

Više pojedinosti +

Abundant Flavours

U restoranu hotela Kingdom uživajte u najboljim jelima s našeg bogatog švedskog stola, koja su naši vrhunski kuhari pripremili od najfinijih sastojaka. Hotel ima dječji bar i igraonicu dizajniranu posebno za djecu, kao i obiteljski pub.


U restoranu hotela Kingdom uživajte u najboljim jelima s našeg bogatog švedskog stola, koja su naši vrhunski kuhari pripremili od najfinijih sastojaka. Hotel ima dječji bar i igraonicu dizajniranu posebno za djecu, kao i obiteljski pub.

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 3 kategorija

Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed
Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Deluxe Room, Double Bed

Luxury Rooms 38 m², dual TV with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once, 1 bathroom, play station, free WIFI. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Connected rooms on demand.
Deluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two KidsDeluxe Room with Two Kids

Deluxe Room with Two Kids

Luxury Rooms 38 m², dual TV with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once, 1 bathroom, play station, free WIFI. Free access to Aqua Park with 41+ slides. Accomodation is free for 2 children up to 12.
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms
Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Deluxe Connecting Rooms

Two luxury connecting rooms 78 m² with King Size Bed and Twin Beds, designed to provide an optimal comfort, equipped with luxury kids' friendly furnishings and extensive modern amenities. Projector and wall screen to enjoy the Playstation 4.

Apartmani 5 kategorija

Junior Suite
Junior Suite
Junior Suite
Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Luxury Suite 79 m² with Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite

Family Suite

Luxury Suite 83 m² with Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite
Grand Suite

Grand Suite

Luxury Suite 108 m² with separate living area and balcony. Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite
Terrace Suite

Terrace Suite

Luxury Suite 130 m² with separate living area and balcony. Dual TV play station with opportunity to watch 2 channels at once. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, Water Coaster, Crazy River, Lazy River and Wave Pool. Free WIFI.
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite
Kingdom Suite

Kingdom Suite

Luxury Suite 283 m² with 2 bedrooms, separate living area and balcony. Bathroom with whirlpool bath. Dual TV play station. Free access to Aqua Park with 41 slides, "Water Coaster", "Crazy River", "Lazy River" and "Wave Pool". Free WIFI.


Restorani (4)




Možete kušati naš raskošni švedski stol, koji su pripremili naši gurmanski kuhari u glavnom restoranu na B katu našega hotela. U našem restoranu možete iskusiti ukusna jela besplatno uključena u naš paket aranžman.


Nemo, prvi restoran s akvarijem u Antaliji, koji kombinira impresivan podmorski svijet s azijskim i europskim okusima, hranu pretvara u izvanredna umjetnička djela.


Restoran Asil, koji nudi bogate i veličanstvene specijalitete autentične libanonske hrane koju pripremaju svjetski poznati nagrađivani kuhari, sve ljubitelje gastronomije poziva da sami istraže kulinarske specijalitete u ovoj šarmantnoj atmosferi.


Restoran Piazzetta, koji nudi poznata jela talijanske kuhinje u toploj i prijateljskoj atmosferi, čeka Vas s nebrojenim mogućnostima, a sve to pripremaju naši svjetski nagrađivani kuhari.

Barovi i pubovi (2)




Istovremeno ćete iskusiti ukus i zabavu u The Legends Pubu, izvrsna jela, jedinstvena pića, kao i uzbudljiva druženja.


Uz Nysssa bar i igralište posebno osmišljeno za naše najmlađe goste u The Land Of Legends, djeca se zabavljaju sigurno i veselo, sudjelujući u ugodnim igrama i sklapajući nova prijateljstva u ovom živopisnom prostoru.

Tematski park Land of Legends


Tematski park Land of Legends nudi duge i uzbudljive adrenalinske događaje. Ovdje se možete prepustiti jedinstvenim iskustvima sa sadržajima za sve, od 7 do 70 godina.

U Aqua Parku dodirnite nebesa s 62 metra visokim hiper toboganom, okušajte se u surfanju ili se opustite u velikom jacuzzi bazenu. Čeka Vas više od 40 vožnji! Ako želite uživati u avanturama na kopnu, Adventure Park nudi uzbuđenja i vožnje na rollercoasterima.

Restorani, barovi i cjelodnevna zabava stvaraju uzbudljivu atmosferu koja će Vam priuštiti nezaboravna sjećanja na godišnji odmor koja neće iščeznuti do kraja Vašeg života.

The Land Of Legends

Recenzije gostiju

100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju


4108 recenzije

Well Located the best staff.

I really like the hotel and I've been in there many times. Especially Mr. Burak (recepsion) was so helpfull and kind with us. Foods and all facilites were perfect as usual.

Amazing Hotel children kept very happy 😊

The hotel is beautiful so much fun so clean bright amazing place for children the staff are very very friendly and helpful and nice my children have special needs but got to relax and enjoy the hotel they had the best time they did not want to leave they had the best holiday ever with the theme park being included and Just across from the hotel was perfect we will be coming back ever year with family ❤️

We loved it, but some Staff can be better and indoor pool needs to be warmer

This is our 3rd visit to Land of Legends (once in the summer and this is the second winter visit). Everything was amazing as always. Staff were amazing too. The dolphin show has improved a great deal and become more interactive now (we really enjoyed it). We didn’t like the fact that staff entry to the theme park was stopping us from going in, because my son’s shows had wheels on them. They clearly felt very powerful and just decided to stop us and waste time for no reason, luckily they called the manager and she wasn’t as stupid as them… so she let us in. I explained we have stayed at the hotel on 3 seperate occasions now and frequented the theme park on many many occasions, but none of this helped. I asked they showed me where it states I can not enter on this basis and they simply directed me to their website. This alone was a bad experience. You would think the typical Turkish behaviour would be suppressed when dealing with employees in these scenarios, but I guess the odd one or 2 can slip through the net sometimes. The security guards at the hotel would regularly forget us leaving the hotel and ask to inspect the wristband upon entry (clearly they aren’t very good at remembering people who leave the hotel). Other than the above, we loved it. We loved the new feature of surprise birthday singing and presents in the room too (we honestly came on this occasion, just for my sons birthday and it went better then expected in that sense). The only major down fall, is the indoor swimming pool. They apparently set it to 28 degrees and it literally feels like it will make you ill to step in. No wonder why it’s always empty. You need to really fix this situation. Knowing how fun the hotel is and what it offers for kids, I can not believe you lack so badly in this sense. Why should people have to go and use the pool in Rixos to experience warmer water to swim in? On the basis that all Waterpark activities are closed in the winter, you should work on making the temperature for the indoor pool, really warm, so that kids who enjoy the water can still enjoy your fantastic sized indoor pool. I think you will encourage a lot more people by fixing this problem for the winter.


The stuff are very professional and friendly The kids were having fun all day The check in was easy and fast Room service is excellent Food is delicious with wide variety


Second time to stay here, lovely place and hotel.