
Okruženi borovom šumom Nacionalnog parka Borovoe na jezeru Shchuchye, boravak u Rixos Borovoe je poput raja. U srcu prirode ove prekrasne regije čisti, svježi zrak bogat je mirisom borovih šuma. Jezero se nalazi na zadivljujućoj lokaciji za izvođenje mnogih aktivnosti u Rixos Borovoe, uključujući pecanje i jogu na otvorenom. Za one koji traže aktivan odmor, u bogatom krajoliku nalaze se prekrasni planinarski putovi. U hotelu su teniski tereni i nogometna igrališta za one koji žele unaprijediti svoju igru. Mjesto Borovoe i željeznička stanica Borovoe udaljeni su 15 km od Rixos Borovoe Hotela. Međunarodna zračna luka Astana udaljena je oko 287 km.

Schuchye Lake South Eastern, Building 50, Akmola Region


Prijava15 h
Odjava12 h

Abundant Flavours

Rixos Borovoe ima fantastične restorane na čijim menijima se nudi izvrsna kuhinja s turskim rahatlokumima i omiljenim suvremenim europskim jelima. U barovima hotela poslužuje se sve, od jutarnje kave do profinjenih vina.


Rixos Borovoe ima fantastične restorane na čijim menijima se nudi izvrsna kuhinja s turskim rahatlokumima i omiljenim suvremenim europskim jelima. U barovima hotela poslužuje se sve, od jutarnje kave do profinjenih vina.

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 6 kategorija

Deluxe King Room, Forest View
Deluxe King Room, Forest View

Deluxe King Room, Forest View

Room with one king size bed and forest view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 2 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.
Deluxe Twin Room, Forest View
Deluxe Twin Room, Forest View

Deluxe Twin Room, Forest View

Room with twin beds and forest view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 2 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.
Deluxe King Room, Lake View
Deluxe King Room, Lake View

Deluxe King Room, Lake View

Room with one king size bed and lake view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 2 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.
Deluxe Twin Room, Lake View
Deluxe Twin Room, Lake View

Deluxe Twin Room, Lake View

Room with twin beds and lake view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 2 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite

Penthouse Suite

Room with 2 king size beds and lake view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 4 adults and 2 children under 12 yo on existing bedding. Maximum 2 extra beds for children under 12 years old are available for this room with extra charge.
Deluxe Twin Lake View Accessible
Deluxe Twin Lake View Accessible
Deluxe Twin Lake View Accessible

Deluxe Twin Lake View Accessible

Room with twin beds and lake view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 2 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.

Apartmani 6 kategorija

Junior Suite Forest View
Junior Suite Forest View

Junior Suite Forest View

Room with one king size bed and forest view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 3 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years old is available for this room with extra charge.
Junior Suite Lake View
Junior Suite Lake View
Junior Suite Lake View

Junior Suite Lake View

Room with one king size bed and lake view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 2 adults and 3 children under 12 year old on existing bedding. Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 years olfd is available for this room with extra charge.
Junior Premier Forest
Junior Premier Forest
Junior Premier Forest
Junior Premier Forest
Junior Premier Forest
Junior Premier Forest

Junior Premier Forest

Room with one king size bed. Maximum occupancy is 3 adults and 2 children under 12 yo (with surcharge, on existing bedding + extra-bed for 3rd adult). Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 yo is available with extra charge (if not used by 3rd adult).
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View
Junior Premier Suite Lake View

Junior Premier Suite Lake View

Room with one king size bed. Maximum occupancy is 3 adults and 2 children under 12 yo (with surcharge, on existing bedding + extra-bed for 3rd adult). Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 yo is available with extra charge (if not used by 3rd adult).
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite
Family Suite

Family Suite

Room with one king size bed. Maximum occupancy is 3 adults and 2 children under 12 yo (with surcharge, on existing bedding + extra-bed for 3rd adult). Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 yo is available with extra charge (if not used by 3rd adult).
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite

Presidential Suite

Room with one king size bed. Maximum occupancy is 3 adults and 2 children under 12 yo (with surcharge, on existing bedding + extra-bed for 3rd adult). Maximum 1 extra bed for a child under 12 yo is available with extra charge (if not used by 3rd adult).

Villas 1 kategorija

Family Villa
Family Villa
Family Villa

Family Villa

Room with one king size bed and 2 twin beds and forest view. Maximum occupancy in this room is 4 adults and 2 children under 12 yo on existing bedding. Maximum 2 extra beds for children under 12 years old are available for this room with extra charge.


Restorani (6)

Restorani u Rixos Borovoe pružaju gostima odličan izbor, od autentične turske hrane koja dočarava pravi „okus“ Istanbula do talijanske kuhinje poslužene uz pogled na prekrasno jezero.



Summer cafe is situated on the shore of Shchuchie lake. Cozy interior, international menu, grass area with children playground. In the daytime you can hide from the hot sun, in the night time you can admire wake-show at sunset.


The absolute ambience of Chalet restaurant will transfer the Guests to the best ski resorts of the world. Fireplace in the center of the hall, delicious menu and cozy interior design will be the ultimate guarantee of perfect time-spending.


The main hotel restaurant offers its Guests dishes of international cuisine with buffet service. L'Olivo restaurant will impress you with the beautiful garden overlooking to the lake


Cozy wooden houses for all the grilled dish gourmets. Wide range of exclusive grill-menu from the Chef, and a la homemade cuisine - a chance to cook favorite dishes by yourself. Works by pre-order.


The restaurant operates according to the a la carte system. Enjoy Central Asian and Caucasian dishes, from Georgian khinkali and khachapuri to Uzbek pilaf and Russian dumplings.


How nice it is to hide in the cool shade when it's hot and listen to the muffled lapping of the waves. International cuisine and a large selection of seasonal cocktails will be a great addition to the summer atmosphere.

Barovi i pubovi (5)

U hotelu Rixos Borovoe možete se u bilo koje doba dana opustiti uz piće. Dostupan je odličan izbor vina, a za one koji traže zdraviji odmor postoje i svježe cijeđeni sokovi.



Ultrafashionable Karaoke Bar with modern audio system and facilities gives joy to all the singing lovers. Large catalogue of songs, stylish interior, dainty menu will make your stay in Rixos Borovoe Hotel unforgettable.


The main menu presents international dishes and appetizers. Great choice of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. This is a perfect place for socializing, afternoon tea or a glass of your favorite wine accompanied by the sounds of live music.


You can indulge yourself with healthy cocktails made of fresh vegetables and fruits as well as pick up the needed drink from detox menu in the Vitamin Bar which is situated in SPA and Wellness.


Perfect opportunity to indulge yourself with the glass of draft beer while watching the favourite sports programs. Wide range of grill menu and beer appetizers.


The LaVolna Beach is amazing and pure silence place, without noisy music and disco that helps to meditatively relax on the sand and slowly forget about the busy city life in the company of relatives and friends.

Aktivnosti i zabava

Spa i Wellness

Ugodni spa u Rixos Borove vodi Vaša osjetila na senzualno putovanje masažama inspiriranima drevnim terapijama iz Japana, Tajlanda i Havaja te opuštajuće tretmane dubinski hranjivom čokoladnom masažom.

U skladu s našim turskim gostoprimstvom, u srcu hotela Rixos Borovoe nalazi se turska kupelj. Ovdje drevni obredi turskog hamama osiguravaju potpuno opuštanje. Tretmani su poznati po svojim ljekovitim svojstvima i stvaraju harmoniju između tijela i duše.

Spa centar također obiluje bogatstvom sadržaja, uključujući skandinavsku saunu, parnu kupelj, fitness centar, vitaminski bar i zatvoreni bazen.

Wellness centar u nacionalnom rezervatu.
Kupke su dostupne od 11 AM do 11 PM.
Na ovom mjestu stvoren je prostor za liječenje. Vrijeme se zaustavilo. Stagnacija. Hladnoća. Skriveno. Nadsvođeno nebo, plave planine, ogromne šume, borovi, magla na čarobnom jezeru, crveno kamenje...miris stabala, delikatni dim, božanstvene magle i osvježavajući povjetarac. Bezuvjetna ljubav. Raj je oko Vas!
Svi naši tretmani proizlaze iz drevnih tradicija i smatraju se svetima. Za svakog gosta odabrali smo najbolji tretman, naše profesionalno osoblje predlaže Vam tretmane, trajanje i sastojke za najbolju kupku.
Naši terapeuti će Vam sa zadovoljstvom pomoći pri odabiru tretmana.
Poslužit ćemo Vas vodom iz izvora i čajem te slatkim poslasticama i grickalicama.
Želimo Vas iznenaditi!

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Active Outdoors

Prirodno okruženje Rixos Borovoe puno je aktivnosti tijekom cijele godine. Tijekom zimskih mjeseci, Borovoe je san svakog obožavatelja zimskih sportova od cross country skijanja, daskanja pa sve do zimskog planinarenja. Tijekom ljetnih mjeseci jezero postaje žarišna točka jako popularnih vodenih sportova. Za one koji žele avanture na kopnu, hotelsko osoblje organizirat će aktivnosti poput jahanja na konj i planinarenja duž prekrasnih staza. Savršena destinacija za obitelji, hotel ima klub sa zabavnim sadržajima isključivo za Vaše najmlađe, dok Vi uživate u zasluženom odmoru.

go to active tab


Rixos Borovoe ima veličanstvenu dvoranu kapaciteta za 500 ljudi. Ovdje se mogu održavati gala primanja, konferencije i vjenčanja. Dodatno, dostupne su i četiri sobe za sastanke ili intimnije događaje s najmodernijom tehnologijom.

Naši prijedlozi


Romance Escape

Enjoy all benefits of our Romance Escape

Perfect for an amazing honeymoon, a special wedding anniversary or a quiet weekend away for two. Our Romantic Escape will help you relax and unwind with your loved one.

Više pojedinosti +

Rixos Experience

Enjoy all benefits of our Rixos Experience Package

For adventurers and explorers, Rixos welcomes you to awe-inspiring local and cultural experiences.

Više pojedinosti +

Stay longer, Pay less

Enjoy all benefits of our Stay longer offer

The longer you stay, the more you save. Get up to to 30% off your next stay of three nights minimum. Discover a world of new inspiration. More to experience, more to enjoy—wherever life takes you.

Više pojedinosti +

Book early, Pay less

Enjoy all benefits of our Book early offer

Book in advance to save up to 25% on your stay. Live now, do more, and experience more of what you like. Life styled your way.

Više pojedinosti +

Recenzije gostiju

100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju


1033 recenzije

Very good as expected

One of the best hotels in Borovoye.

Good stay
Great place for a reatreat in one of Kazahstan's most beautiful places

If you are looking for a luxury stay in the area of a stunning natural beauty, Rixos Brovoe is definitely a place to go to. This five-star hotel offers comfortable rooms, a great selection of resaturants and bars and a fantastic SPA. There are many entertainment options inside and outside the hotel, so you wan't be bored.

Best hotel ever

Thanks for unforgettable experience Best location best service best staffs Special thanks for Balnur she help us and she always smiles Love it and will recommended


We enjoyed our stay for 3 nights in Rixos Borovoe. We would like to highlight cleanliness in the hotel, restaurants, toilets and in the living room. Also staff was very kind and polite. My son also enjoyed kids club and spent a lot time there.