
Otok Rixos Premium Saadiyat jedinstveno je odmaralište gdje su ekskluzivnost i luksuz glavne karakteristike svakog iskustva. Naši luksuzni obiteljski apartmani smješteni su na čarobnom blistavom pijesku s pogledom na Arapski zaljev. Arapski rajski otok Saadiyat ima prekrasne prirodne i kulturne znamenitosti, uključujući i novootvoreni Louvre. Za one koji žele dublje istraživati bogatu kulturu i baštinu Abu Dhabija, centar je jako blizu. Raskošno ljetovalište u mediteranskom stilu spaja se s drevnom tradicionalnom arapskom kulturom, njezinim orijentalnim vrtovima i velebnim vodenim objektima. Kao naš gost dobivate samo najbolje, od našeg deluxe smještaja do jedinstvenih gastronomskih specijaliteta, naših najboljih zabavnih sadržaja i lječilišta. Otok Rixos Premium Saadiyat nedvojbeno će Vas očarati.

Prijava15 h
Odjava12 h

Abundant Flavours

Tražite li romantičnu večeru za dvoje s pogledom na ocean ili želite uživati sa svojom obitelji u prekrasnim buffetima, gastronomske poslastice na Rixos Premium Saadiyat vode Vas na slasna putovanja s okusima i mirisima koji će oduševiti svako nepce.


Tražite li romantičnu večeru za dvoje s pogledom na ocean ili želite uživati sa svojom obitelji u prekrasnim buffetima, gastronomske poslastice na Rixos Premium Saadiyat vode Vas na slasna putovanja s okusima i mirisima koji će oduševiti svako nepce.

Sobe i apartmani


Aktivnosti i zabava

Live(ly) Entertainment

Kao naši gosti u Rixos Premium Saadiyat, nudimo Vam cjelogodišnji kalendar nezaboravne žive zabave, organizirane posebno za Vas. Svako Vaše iskustvo želimo oplemeniti najboljom zabavom i ekskluzivnim nastupima DJ-eva, živom glazbom i mnogo više.

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Rixy Kids Club

Svi gosti na Rixos Premium Saadiyat otoku su VIP gosti. Veliki ili maleni, mlađi ili stariji. Kao dio našeg All-Inclusive, All Exclusive paketa, svako dijete smatramo VIP gostom. U sklopu naše ponude imamo i poseban Kids Club namijenjen zabavi i čuvanju djece starosti od 4 do 12 godina. Rixy Kids Club osmišljen je za buđenje dječje kreativnosti i socijalizaciju s drugom djecom u sigurnom i zabavnom okruženju. Za opuštanje u kvalitetnom vremenu provedenom nasamo ili s Vašom obitelji, naši djelatnici dostupni su svaki dan do 23 sata.

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Active Outdoors

Imamo najkvalitetnije prostore i opremu. Naši osobni treneri uvijek su spremni pružiti Vam potrebnu pomoć i održati privatne treninge. Za goste koji žele vježbati na otvorenom nudimo posebne aktivnosti kao što su Aqua Fitmat, veslanje na dasci i drugi vodeni sportovi. Vaše vještine možete obogatiti osobnim lekcijama naših trenera za tenis i plivanje. Samo odaberite Vašu omiljenu aktivnost, a mi ćemo je učiniti nezaboravnim iskustvom.

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Spa i Wellness

Kao najveći spa na Saadyat otoku, Anjana nudi bezbroj luksuznih tretmana s popisa koji obuhvaća najbolje od istoka i zapada. Otok Rixos Premium Saadiyat nježno i neprimjetno opušta, regenerira i obnavlja Vaš um, tijelo i dušu,
U srcu odmarališta nalazi se tradicionalna turska kupelj, gdje gosti mogu uživati u autentičnim blagodatima tretmana u tradicionalnom turskom hamamu pomoću stručnog tima
Za one koji traže nešto drugačije, spa ima jedinu snježnu sobu u Abu Dhabiju. Za nezaboravne romantične trenutke, naši ekskluzivni VIP apartmani idealni su za parove.

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Vjenčanje iz snova

Slavite čaroliju ljubavi u eteričnom okruženju naše velike plesne dvorane. Uz naše izvrsne kulinarske kreacije i izuzetnu uslugu naših profesionalnih planera vjenčanja, Vaši snovi postat će stvarnost.
Očarajte do 600 gostiju i stvorite sjećanja koja će potrajati čitav život, a mi ćemo nastojati ispuniti svako Vaše očekivanje i ispuniti sve Vaše želje.

Specijalni događaji

Dodajte dašak luksuza Vašim manifestacijama i slavljima uživajući u najmodernijim blagodatima naših prostorija za sastanke i konferencijskim dvoranama. Opremljeni za sastanke odbora, seminare, ceremonije za dodjelu nagrada, bankete i primanja, naša ekipa planera događaja pomoći će Vam pronaći najbolje rješenje za Vaše potrebe i pobrinuti se za uspjeh Vašeg događaja.

Naši prijedlozi


All Inclusive Day-Use

Enjoy all benefits of our All Inclusive Day Pass offer

Enjoy a beachside getaway or a temperature-controlled pool while savouring a culinary delight.

Više pojedinosti +

Family Retreat

Enjoy all benefits of our Family Retreat offer

Travel is always better together.

· Upto 30% off All-Inclusive Rates
· Flexible Check In/Out Timings
· Suite Amenities

Terms & Conditions

· Offer is valid when booking a minimum of 3 nights.
· Inclusions are subject to availability.
· Offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
· Offer is non-refundable.

Više pojedinosti +

Romantic Retreat

Enjoy all benefits of our Romantic Retreat offer

Perfect for an amazing honeymoon, a special wedding anniversary or a quiet weekend away for two. Our Romantic Retreat will help you relax and unwind with your loved one.

· Upto 25% off All-Inclusive Rates
· Flexible Check In/Out Timings
· Bed Decoration
· Wine Bottle in the Room
· Breakfast in Bed (1 Day)
· Priority a la Carte Reservation

Terms & Conditions

· Offer is valid when booking a minimum of 2 nights.
· Inclusions are subject to availability.
· Offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
· Offer is non-refundable.

Više pojedinosti +

Wellness Retreat

Enjoy all benefits of our Wellness Retreat offer

Experience our traditional Turkish hammam with your friends and colleagues for a perfect social gathering, or enjoy our signature experiences with your loved one amidst a luxuriously tranquil setting.

· Upto 30% Off All-Inclusive Rates
· Flexible Check In/Out Timings
· 25% Off Spa Treatments
· Fruit Basket

Terms & Conditions

· Offer is valid when booking a minimum of 3 nights.
· Inclusions are subject to availability.
· Offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
· Offer is non-refundable.

Više pojedinosti +

Spa Escape

Enjoy all benefits of our Spa Escape

Enjoy all benefits of our Spa Escape

Više pojedinosti +

Luxury Retreat

Enjoy all benefits of our Luxury Retreat offer

Surround yourself with comfort, contemporary design and uncompromising service.

· Upto 25% off All-Inclusive Rates
· Flexible Check In/Out Timings
· Suite Amenities
· Fruit Basket
· Assorted Baklava Box
· Priority a la Carte Reservation

Terms & Conditions

· Offer is valid when booking a minimum of 2 nights.
· Inclusions are subject to availability.
· Offer is not valid in conjunction with other promotions.
· Offer is non-refundable.

Više pojedinosti +

Recenzije gostiju

100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju


1476 recenzije

4.5/5Alek S.couple
Excellent staff

Hotel fabulous Staff fantastic Food Delicious Only problem we had was the amount of prams and screaming kids by the pool and at night in the restaurants.At you would think they would be in bed. I would suggest the hotel would set aside an area for adults only in having a dedicated pool and not allow kids in to some restaurants after 8.00pm, other than that hotel was great but would not return until something was done about this

Lovely resort

Had a lovely experience, the hotel was lovely, the outdoor areas were extensive and well kept, The quality and variety of food served in the main restaurant was amazing and the staff were wonderful. Really helpful and friendly.

Overall, a great stay at The Rixos Premium Saadiyat Island

Overall, we had a wonderful 6 night stay at this hotel. The check in process was slightly frenetic - the staff did not seem very knowledgeable on how many A la carte reservations you can book, despite it being clearly stated on our ‘Welcome’ letter. Overall, the check in staff seemed inexperienced which hindered my first impression of the hotel. They also neglected to inform us that we could go to the Spa to shower and change after travelling for 8 hours (as we arrived in the morning and our room was not ready yet). We requested twin beds before arriving which was not available at check in. When I called the hotel prior to arriving to discuss this, the lady I spoke to didn’t even seem to have my booking despite me giving her my full name etc. I found her super unhelpful and incompetent, which is not acceptable at a hotel of this standard. However, they accommodated our twin bed request within 2 nights of our holiday. The entire process of moving rooms was made as efficient and seamless as possible, which was much appreciated. Our first meal on arrival day was at The Turquoise Restaurant for a buffet lunch. To my disappointment, the food was luke warm - borderline cold in some cases and simply not good. I was absolutely shocked that they were serving food which had clearly been reheated from the night before; it was dry, poor quality and the worst buffet I’ve ever eaten at. At breakfast and dinner the buffet food was marginally better, but still nowhere up to the standard of the a la carte restaurants. For example, the pastries at breakfast were rock hard and the same salads / dishes at dinner were constantly reused / repeated which caused a lack of variety. The fact that you can only eat at the a la carte restaurants 4 times (for 6 nights and above) is a problem when the buffet is not at a high standard. Either make the a la carte options unlimited during your stay or ensure that the buffet is of the same standard. It also proved tricky to book reservations, even though we did it on arrival day. During dinner, the restaurants were almost empty at times when they said there was no availability. The buffet was the main let down of the whole hotel, which they need to improve going forward. It seemed like this was where they were cutting corners and saving costs in relation to the all inclusive concept. However, having stayed at previous 5 star All Inclusive hotels such as Ikos, there really is no excuse for a poor buffet. The other complaint I have is that there were no toilets by the beach, which seemed slightly ridiculous. You were expected to walk all the way to the toilets at the People’s restaurant, which I think is an inconvenience and not well thought out. Additionally, I think the hotel could do a much better job at integrating Adults Only areas into the resort. There is a measly ‘Relaxation’ area by the pool and an area at breakfast which is Adults Only (despite the fact that a child decided to run across the bench where I was sitting - in the Adults Only seating area). The resort is family friendly which is to be expected, but they could do with including more Adults Only areas like Ikos Resorts do - this would greatly improve the experience for couples, singletons, adult families etc. In terms of the pros of our stay, the cleanliness, staff, service and hotel grounds were all fantastic. The fruit bar by the beach was a welcomed highlight as was the evening entertainment. The a la carte restaurants provided a five course fine dining experience, which was a pleasant surprise and a vast improvement from the buffet restaurant. Overall, the staff in every restaurant went above and beyond to ensure we were taken care of. Every experience in the a la carte restaurants was memorable and enjoyable, with outstanding food quality and a great atmosphere. It’s a shame that the same cannot be said for the Turquoise Restaurant, as that would have made the holiday even better. The beach was amazing, as was the spa and the a la carte restaurants. We also enjoyed lunch at People’s where the staff always got us a table overlooking the sea. The fitness instructors were also charming and friendly and we enjoyed a few classes with them! Overall, the pros definitely outweigh the cons of our stay here. However, I think if our complaints were taken into consideration then the hotel could greatly improve its services.

5/5Janice B.couple
Fantastic resort

My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed our weeks stay at Rixos Premium. The staff were extremely friendly and courteous, the resort itself exceptionally clean and the food was outstanding.

4.5/5Mike M.couple
Fantastic experience

A 10 day day stay