
Rixos President Astana nudi krajnje luksuzna i nezaboravna iskustva svojom superiornom kvalitetom i izvrsnošću u glavnom gradu Kazahstana. Rixos President Astana nalazi se u novom administrativnom i poslovnom centru glavnog grada Kazahstana u neposrednoj blizini Bayterek Tornja. Kao grad s futurističkom arhitekturom, Astana je moderan grad sa shopping centrima, raspjevanom fontanom i primjerima moderne arhitekture dizajniranih od strane svjetski poznatih arhitekata. Sa svojom lokacijom i prekrasnim objektima, Rixos President Astana obećava odlične praznike sa svim što očekujete od Rixos luksuza; Rixos spa, odlične i kvalitetne restorane i barova te savršenu organizaciju sastanaka i događaja.

Abundant Flavours

Rixos President Astana goste vodi na svjetska kulinarska putovanja. Autentični turski međunarodni sajam i regionalni specijaliteti poslužuju se s finim vinima i velikim izborom pića.


Rixos President Astana goste vodi na svjetska kulinarska putovanja. Autentični turski međunarodni sajam i regionalni specijaliteti poslužuju se s finim vinima i velikim izborom pića.

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 4 kategorija

Deluxe King Room
Deluxe King Room
Deluxe King Room
Deluxe King Room
Deluxe King Room

Deluxe King Room

On a 32 m² area, our Deluxe Rooms combine contemporary design with top-notch convenience and luxury. Wireless Internet access and a desk are available in the room which will also function as your office in the city centre.
Deluxe Twin Room
Deluxe Twin Room
Deluxe Twin Room

Deluxe Twin Room

On a 30 m² area, our Deluxe Rooms combine contemporary design with top-notch convenience and luxury. Wireless Internet access, and a desk are available in the room which will also function as your office in the city center.
Premium King Room
Premium King Room
Premium King Room
Premium King Room
Premium King Room
Premium King Room

Premium King Room

The Premium Room features a balcony, a king-size bed, a well designed bathroom and offers all the modern features and amenities.
Premium Twin Room
Premium Twin Room
Premium Twin Room
Premium Twin Room

Premium Twin Room

The Premium room features a balcony, twin beds, a choice of Main or Diplomatic View, a well designed bathroom and offers all the modern features and amenities.

Apartmani 4 kategorija

Junior Suite
Junior Suite
Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Ranging from 64 m² the Junior Suites are composed of a bedroom, a sitting room and a bathroom. Convenience and comfort have been considered elaborately in all suites to guarantee a supreme luxurious holiday.
Premium Suite
Premium Suite
Premium Suite
Premium Suite
Premium Suite
Premium Suite

Premium Suite

Offering convenience, comfort and excellence Premium Suites are ranging from 30 to 64 m². Have an unforgettable stay by relaxing in our spacious, warm and well lit suites with an amazing city view. Also enjoy the private jacuzzi during your stay.
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite
Presidential Suite

Presidential Suite

The Presidential Suites offer a very supreme luxurious holiday experience. Covering 105 m², the Presidential Suites charm with a spacious living area where comfort and convenience are newly redefined.

Royal Suite

Covering 195 m², the Royal Suites promise the most pleasant and cozy stay by the fireplace or in the jacuzzi. Feel the luxury and comfort and enjoy the dazzling city view from your terrace.


Restorani (3)

U odličnim restoranima hotela Rixos President Astana koriste se samo najbolji sastojci. Tradicionalni recepti s naglaskom na modernome, odlično opremljeni švedski stolovi i turski utjecaj u a la carte restoranu karakteristika su jedne od glavnih gurmanskih destinacija u srcu Astane.



Exotic culinary delights from the Middle East inspired by the Osman cuisine. Handicraft decoration and awless service bring some extra authenticity to the exquisite atmosphere of the restaurant that can seat up to 60 persons. There are two VIP lounges.


Al Farabi Restaurant, the main restaurant of the hotel, is an ideal destination for a leisured breakfast or a lunch, with a great variety of international cuisine dishes. Breakfast weekday: 07:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Weekend day: 07:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


Summer restaurant in garden place. Refreshing beverages, a variety of grilled dishes, and sweet-scented hookah. A bar zone, a show kitchen, barbeque concept, and live music. There are 10 bungalows with glass windows and leather lounge furniture.

Barovi i pubovi (2)

Od žive glazbe i najboljih cigareta do elegantnog čaja u predvorju, Rixos President Astana ima bar za svaku prigodu.



Lobby Bar offers a rich variety of sorts of tea, coffee, elite alcohol, snacks, deserts, and home-made cakes. It sits up to 100 persons, has an atrium with a high ceiling, a confectionary and Asian areas, an international menu, and live music. Mon - Sun


Live music every day, a selection of special wines, elegant beverages as well as a wide range of delicious beers and world famous cigars are available at the Irish Pub.

Aktivnosti i zabava

Spa i Wellness

Smješten baš u srcu Astane, Anjana Spa inspiriran turskom tradicijom, najluksiznije je gradsko odmaralište za osvježavanje, opuštanje i obnovu Vašeg uma i tijela nakon dugog i stresnog dana.
U srcu se nalazi tradicionalna turska kupelj sa svojim autentičnim hamamom. Raznoliki tretmani u Spa spoj su istočnjačkih i zapadnjačkih terapija, nude obnavljajuće terapije i prilagođene masaže. Fantastični sadržaji obuhvaćaju fitness centar, bazen, centar za uljepšavanje i finsku saunu. Prepustite svoje tijelo našim prilagođenim programima pod budnim okom naših profesionalnih timova.
Imajte na umu da je spa bazen Anjana dopušten u prisustvu kupaćeg kostima, specijalnih nadomjestaka za cipele i kapa za kupanje. Djeca mlađa od 12 godina mogu posjetiti spa centar do 20: 00 sati.

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Specijalni događaji

U Rixos President Astana nalaze se posebno prilagođene sobe za poslovne i privatne sastanke, luksuzne sale za vjenčanja, događaje i slavlja. Kao jedna od primarnih lokacija u gradu, hotel je postao dom nekih od najvažnijih, sastanaka i događaja i novijoj povijesti. Svojom naprednom tehničkom potporom i profesionalnim timom planera događaja, domaćin smo vjenčanja visokog profila, korporativnih sastanaka, lansiranja inovativnih proizvoda i međunarodnih konferencija.

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Recenzije gostiju

100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju


731 recenzije


Satisfying..great and spa is wow


Everything is good except cold in the room blowing a bit from window I guess.

Staff is very generous and respectful to

High level International standard service: Always friendly, professional, with lovely upgrades to loyal guests.

Good hotel

Good room, affordable room rate, expensive food, good SPA, helpful staff.

Good stay

Very nice staff and very well located hotel