
Rixos Premium Göcek smješten je u srcu rezervata prirode Göcek, između dvije luke, te predstavlja luksuzno utočište s pogledom na svjetlucave valove Egejskog mora. Opustite se i uživajte u prirodnoj ljepoti borovih šuma, spokoju vrtova i osami privatne plaže. Hotel je organiziran prema konceptu All Inclusive, tako da gostima pruža nevjerojatne barove i restorane, mjesta za zabavu svjetske klase, gastronomsku raznolikost i izvanredan spektar wellness i sportskih aktivnosti. Vile, upečatljive po iznimnom ambijentu koji odiše modernom elegancijom, idealne su za romantični sastanak ili egzotično druženje, a do njih se može stići motornim čamcem za pet minuta. Rixos Premium Göcek dočekuje goste starije od 13 godina. Rixos Premium Göcek nalazi se na 700 m od grada Göcek, 20 km od zračne luke Dalaman, 28 km od Fethiye i 100 km od Mugle.

Prijava14 h
Odjava12 h

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 1 kategorija

Deluxe Room - Accessible

Deluxe Room - Accessible rooms are situated among the green pine forest. Rooms are 45 m² There have shuttle service to the secret Beach.

Apartmani 10 kategorija

Deluxe Suite, Garden View

Deluxe Suite, Garden View

Naši Deluxe apartmani smješteni su u čarobnoj borovoj šumi. Naši 45 m² apartmani opremljeni su privatnom terasom s pogledom na vrt. Gosti apartmana mogu uživati u izravnom pristupu bazenu u odmaralištu i usluzi morskog prijevoza do Vaše tajne plaže.
Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Naši Junior apartmani nude 1 spavaću sobu i 1 dnevnu sobu, sadrže minibar, LED TV, satelitski program, terasu ili balkon, tepihe i mramorni pod, posebno dizajnirane njegovu i njezinu kupaonsku galanteriju, toaletni pribor, aparate za čaj i kavu.
Wellness Suite

Wellness Suite

Nalazi se na gornjem katu našeg poznatog Anjana Spa za savršeno blagostanje. Apartman sa saunom veličine 55 m² i jednom spavaćom sobom te prostranom kupaonicom. Izravan pristup bazenu i usluzi morskog prijevoza do Vaše tajne plaže.
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Uživajte u našim 55 m² apartmanima, elegantno i moderno uređenim, okruženim zelenom borovom šumom s vlastitim balkonom ili terasom, za najbolji doživljaj izlaska i zalaska sunca. Prostrani apartman s 2 spavaće sobe, savršen ljetni romantični bijeg.
Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Smješten u odmaralištu, Grand apartman dvokatna je građevina s 252 m² stambenog prostora. Apartman sadrži četiri spavaće sobe, tri kupaonice, dnevnu sobu, čajnu kuhinju i terasu.
Deluxe Suite
Deluxe Suite

Deluxe Suite

Our Deluxe Suites are situated among the green pine forest. Our 45 m² Suites are equipped with a private terrace with garden views. Suite guests enjoy a direct access to the Resort swimming pool and a sea shuttle service to the secret Beach.
Junior Suite, One Bedroom
Junior Suite, One Bedroom
Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Our Junior Suites offer 1 bedroom and 1 living room, feature mini bar, LED TV, satellite, terrace or balcony, carpeted and marbled floor, specially designed his and her bathroom toiletries, exclusive bathroom amenities, tea and coffee making facilities.
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite

Wellness Suite

Located on the upper level of Anjana Spa, offering an ultimate wellbeing. The Suite is designed with 55 m² of living space with sauna, 1 bedroom and spacious bathroom. Direct access to the swimming pool and sea shuttle service to the Secret Beach.
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Elegantly decorated in modern style, enjoy our 55 m² Friends Suites surrounded by green pine forest, with your own private balcony or terrace to benefit from both the sunrise and sunset. Spacious Suite with 2 bedrooms, a perfect summer getaway.
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Located at the Resort, The Grand Suite is a two storey structure with 252 indulgent m² of living space. The Suite offers four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchenette and a terrace.

Villas 7 kategorija

Villa Privé, Garden View

Villa Privé, Garden View

Smještena u tihom i mirnom okruženju, unutar prostranih zelenih površina, svaka vila ima svoj privatni bazen. Villa Privé dvokatna je građevina na osami veličine 210 m².
Villa Privé, Sea View

Villa Privé, Sea View

Smještena u tihom i mirnom okruženju, unutar prostranih zelenih površina, svaka vila ima svoj privatni bazen. Villa Privé dvokatna je građevina na osami veličine 210 m².
Premium Villa

Premium Villa

Vrhunska vedrina i prostranost, s iznimnim standardima privatnosti i personaliziranom uslugom, Premium Villa dvokatna je građevina na osami veličine 420 m².
Maison Privé

Maison Privé

Maison Privé dvokatna je građevina na osami veličine 210 m². Vila je luksuzno dizajnirana i opremljena svim pogodnostima koje nudi moderan svijet.
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View

Villa Privé, Garden View

Found in a peaceful and tranquil environment, within extensive green spaces, each villa has its own private pool. Villa Privé is a secluded two storey structure with 210 indulgent square meters of living space.
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View

Villa Privé, Sea View

Found in a peaceful and tranquil environment, within extensive green spaces, each villa has its own private pool. Villa Privé is a secluded two storey structure with 210 indulgent square meters of living space.
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa

Premium Villa

The ultimate in serenity and spaciousness, with exceptional standards of privacy and personalised service, Premium Villa is a secluded two storey structure with 420 indulgent square meters of living space.

Rixos Premium Göcek

2025 Event & Special Days

Nestled in the heart of Göcek’s stunning natural reserve, Rixos Premium Göcek invites you to indulge in a luxurious getaway with breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea. Surrounded by two marinas, this paradise is enveloped by lush pine forests, serene gardens, and an exclusive private beach. Embrace the ultra-all-inclusive concept featuring extraordinary restaurants and bars, top-notch entertainment venues, diverse culinary experiences, and exceptional wellness and sports facilities. Surrender to nature’s embrace and create unforgettable memories.

Naši prijedlozi


Honeymoon offer

Rixos Premium Göcek

Start a brand-new life with the privileges of Rixos Premium Göcek!

Više pojedinosti +

Abundant Flavours

Sustav All Inclusive svakodnevno nudi širok izbor gastronomskih doživljaja, od švedskih stolova nadahnutih turskom tradicijom do najsvježijih morskih plodova. Kuhari u hotelu Rixos Premium Göcek će za Vas pripremiti vrhunska jela koristeći najkvalitetnije sastojke.


Sustav All Inclusive svakodnevno nudi širok izbor gastronomskih doživljaja, od švedskih stolova nadahnutih turskom tradicijom do najsvježijih morskih plodova. Kuhari u hotelu Rixos Premium Göcek će za Vas pripremiti vrhunska jela koristeći najkvalitetnije sastojke.

Sobe i apartmani

Sobe 1 kategorija

Deluxe Room - Accessible

Deluxe Room - Accessible rooms are situated among the green pine forest. Rooms are 45 m² There have shuttle service to the secret Beach.

Apartmani 5 kategorija

Deluxe Suite
Deluxe Suite

Deluxe Suite

Our Deluxe Suites are situated among the green pine forest. Our 45 m² Suites are equipped with a private terrace with garden views. Suite guests enjoy a direct access to the Resort swimming pool and a sea shuttle service to the secret Beach.
Junior Suite, One Bedroom
Junior Suite, One Bedroom
Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Junior Suite, One Bedroom

Our Junior Suites offer 1 bedroom and 1 living room, feature mini bar, LED TV, satellite, terrace or balcony, carpeted and marbled floor, specially designed his and her bathroom toiletries, exclusive bathroom amenities, tea and coffee making facilities.
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite
Wellness Suite

Wellness Suite

Located on the upper level of Anjana Spa, offering an ultimate wellbeing. The Suite is designed with 55 m² of living space with sauna, 1 bedroom and spacious bathroom. Direct access to the swimming pool and sea shuttle service to the Secret Beach.
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms
Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Friends Suite, Two Bedrooms

Elegantly decorated in modern style, enjoy our 55 m² Friends Suites surrounded by green pine forest, with your own private balcony or terrace to benefit from both the sunrise and sunset. Spacious Suite with 2 bedrooms, a perfect summer getaway.
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms
Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Grand Suite, four bedrooms

Located at the Resort, The Grand Suite is a two storey structure with 252 indulgent m² of living space. The Suite offers four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living-room, a kitchenette and a terrace.

Villas 3 kategorija

Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View
Villa Privé, Garden View

Villa Privé, Garden View

Found in a peaceful and tranquil environment, within extensive green spaces, each villa has its own private pool. Villa Privé is a secluded two storey structure with 210 indulgent square meters of living space.
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View
Villa Privé, Sea View

Villa Privé, Sea View

Found in a peaceful and tranquil environment, within extensive green spaces, each villa has its own private pool. Villa Privé is a secluded two storey structure with 210 indulgent square meters of living space.
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa
Premium Villa

Premium Villa

The ultimate in serenity and spaciousness, with exceptional standards of privacy and personalised service, Premium Villa is a secluded two storey structure with 420 indulgent square meters of living space.


Restorani (6)

Rixos Premium Göcek ima četiri restorana s različitim konceptima, specijalitetima i atmosferom. Svako gastronomsko iskustvo u hotelu Rixos Premium Göcek bit će iznimno, od ležernog ručka u hladu bujnih zelenih vrhova iz kojih se pruža panoramski pogled do romantične večere u modernom a la carte restoranu, gdje možete uživati ​​u najsvježijim egejskim poslasticama dok promatrate prelijepu obalu Göcek i luku Marintürk.




Smješten u Village Port. Glavni restoran ima otvoreni švedski stol za doručak, ručak i večeru.


Zaustavite se u našem ležernom cjelodnevnom restoranu sa zadivljujućom paletom okusa iz cijelog svijeta.


Poznat pod nazivom „Sunčana kuhinja”, Azure restoran nalazi se na sakrivenom i udobnom mjestu rezerviranom za naše goste, gdje možete uživati u laganim i ukusnim salatama, sendvičima, savijačama, pizzama i hamburgerima.


Food Court na otvorenom smješten je u blizini plaže i gostima nudi 8 postaja s raznom brzom hranom. Uživajte u savršenim hamburgerima, arapskim shawarmama, cheeseburgerima, salatama, raznim vrstama tjestenine i pizza, pomfritu itd.


With its magnicifent marina view, umi restaurant takec you to Far East flavour tour.Umi restaurant that brings you together with unique food culture with its special presentations is one of the exciting point in Rixos Premium Göcek.


All meals are carefully cooked and best quality meats are served with delicious ingredients at The Grill.

Barovi i pubovi (5)

U četiri bara hotela Rixos Premium Göcek možete se počastiti osvježavajućim pićima, neobičnim koktelima, aromatičnim nargilama. Bilo da više volite opuštanje u hladu zimzelenih borova daleko od užarenog sunca ili ležanje na tajnoj plaži s prstima uronjenim u pijesak, žeđ uvijek možete utažiti u nekom od barova.




Rixos Lounge jedinstveni je bar u predvorju i salon za čaj.


Enjoy the music and have fun in a cool environment while sipping your drinks.


The snack of your choice, accompanied by the drink of your choice.


You relax and feel pleasant by the pool with a nice glass of cocktail.


We Proudly Serve Starbucks at Rixos Premium Göcek.

Aktivnosti i zabava


Rixos Premium Göcek invites you to an unforgettable holiday. Enjoy your holiday under the stars with different live music performances every evening at Rixos Premium Göcek!

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Anjana Spa

Nakon posjeta toplicama Rixos Anjana Spa, usred prirodnih ljepota poluotoka Göcek, osjećat ćete se kao preporođeni.
Uživajte u ljepoti tehnike orijentalne masaže koju izvode certificirani profesionalci. U Rixos Anjana SPA ojačat ćete vezu sa svojim unutarnjim ja, osjećat ćete se preporođeni, uživajući u masaži tradicionalnim tehnikama i jedinstvenim proizvodima za njegu tijela.
Slijedeći drevne rituale turskih hamama, Rixos Premium Göcek Vam nudi masažu trljanjem i pjenom s vitaminskim sapunom kako biste pomladili i osvježili tijelo i dušu.

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Exclusive Sports Club

Održavanje dobre kondicije je zabavno, posebno u hotelu Rixos Premium Göcek budući da turistički kompleks nudi bezbroj mogućnosti za aktivan godišnji odmor: kupanje u bazenu, igranje tenisa, aerobik u vodi i još puno toga. S obzirom da se nalazi na prelijepom priobalnom mjestu, nudi aktivnosti i u vodi i na kopnu. Od vodenih aktivnosti na raspolaganju Vam je jedrenje, rafting i ronjenje pod vodstvom osobnog instruktora.

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Recenzije gostiju

100% autentične recenzije naših gostiju


3814 recenzije

Beautiful hideaway

We like the hotel! Staff was very attentive and room are comfort ! Beutiful flowers on site! THANK YOU

5/5Sam W.couple
Great service

Very quiet stay in January, but the staff were always available and very helpful.

4/5Rachel B.couple
Lovely breakfast and location and loved our room .

The problem was when I had booked it it was advertised as an all inclusive but by the time I later found out and only by me making enquires I learnt that during the winter the hotel operates on a bb basis until March !! This was not made clear on the advertisement . I even contacted the booking agent who was unclear so I persisted , it wasn't until I made contact with the hotel direct that they explained . By then I had already committed and paid for our stay ! I asked on this rate which wasn't cheap by any standard what we would get and I was told Bb use of heated swimming pool, spa gym etc . Sadly when we arrived the pool was cold as not that long after apparentely the pool heating system had broken down a week previous . This was so disppointing as this is another reason I chose your hotel . I wish I known this before as I feel we paid alot of money for what we had . It is such a shame !!

Excellent facility nestled in the heart of nature with friendly staff

Despite continuous rainfall, the guest relations officer at Rixos Gocek ensured we had all we needed, he always stopped to ask how we were enjoying our stay at every opportunity. The staff at the People's restaurant are fabulous! They served with a smile always and never stopped asking if we wanted more food. They went out of their way to provide ice pack for my son's knee and made potatoes available on demand even when it wasn't on the menu. Overall, the staff at Rixos Gocek made our stay awesome and we wished to stay longer to enjoy the full New year program.

Good stay

Fantastic service, lovely people!!!.